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The firm

Since its founding, Pierce, Sterling & Thorne has established itself as one of America's most formidable intellectual property enforcement firms, known for its unrelenting approach to protecting and enforcing digital rights and corporate assets.

The firm was established by industry veterans with backgrounds in technical compliance, digital rights protection, and corporate asset enforcement. Their vision was clear: to create an enforcement practice that would combine technical expertise with aggressive protection capabilities.

Throughout our history, we've been at the forefront of protecting major technology companies' interests, securing numerous successful resolutions that have helped shape modern intellectual property enforcement. As technology evolved, we expanded our reach internationally, while cementing our reputation for aggressive IP protection during the emerging digital age.

Our enforcement actions have achieved significant results across multiple industries. From semiconductors to biotechnology, our approach has consistently delivered decisive outcomes for our clients.

Today, Pierce, Sterling & Thorne maintains its position at the forefront of intellectual property enforcement and corporate asset protection. Our enforcement teams have secured significant results for our clients through unwavering determination and strategic execution.

Our approach remains consistent with our founding vision: uncompromising action combined with relentless execution. We maintain a deliberately limited client roster, ensuring each matter receives the full force of our resources. Our team brings extensive experience in high-stakes enforcement actions.

While we maintain strict confidentiality regarding our current matters, our work has impacted industries ranging from telecommunications to pharmaceuticals, from enterprise software to industrial automation. Our enforcement actions against major corporations consistently command immediate attention and compliance.

Our enforcement teams are supported by dedicated technical specialists, including experts in computer science, electrical engineering, and biochemistry. This combination of technical and enforcement expertise allows us to quickly understand complex technologies and aggressively pursue infringement across multiple jurisdictions.

Our reputation has been built on our ability to bring overwhelming force to bear in intellectual property disputes. We are frequently engaged in matters where traditional approaches have failed to achieve results, leading to our recognition as one of America's most feared enforcement practices.

Pierce, Sterling & Thorne specializes in the most challenging intellectual property and digital rights matters, where the stakes are highest and compromise is not an option. Our enforcement team operates globally, ensuring comprehensive protection for our clients' interests.

Our approach remains absolute: when engaged, we commit the full force of our resources to achieve our clients' objectives. This unwavering focus has earned us our reputation as America's most aggressive IP enforcement firm - a reputation we reinforce with every action we take.